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The Babe Crafted Blog

Gina, founder of Babe Crafted, celebrating with members by pouring them glasses of a sparkling, bubbly rose wine

Ready to be inspired by fellow women entrepreneurs? How about actionable tips and strategies to build a thriving business? We got you, babe!

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5 of Our Favorite 2023 Podcasts
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5 of Our Favorite 2023 Podcasts

Can you believe that podcasts used to be a niche thing? Me either! Podcasts are an amazing way to delve into everything from personal growth and business to motherhood and investing. We asked our members to share what podcast they’re loving in 2023 and here are some of the amazing recommendations we got. Subscribe to any of the recommended podcasts mentioned below so you can add them to your weekly routine. Sit back, grab your headphones, & get ready to discover your new favorite podcast!

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13 CEO’s Share Their Best Investments Of 2022
Scale your business, Babe Crafted Babe Crafted Scale your business, Babe Crafted Babe Crafted

13 CEO’s Share Their Best Investments Of 2022

Hey girl hey! The end of the year is coming in hot. This is the perfect time to do some reflecting on what’s been a game-changer for you and what you wanna say goodbye to. So we wanna know… what’s been your BEST investment of 2022? Share it with us and take a peek at what some incredible biz owners share was their biggest game-changer of the year.

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5 Ways to Approach Potential Clients Without Being Salesy
Market your business, Small Business Tips Babe Crafted Market your business, Small Business Tips Babe Crafted

5 Ways to Approach Potential Clients Without Being Salesy

We’ve all heard the saying, “when push comes to shove” right? Today we’re talking about leaving the ‘push’ at home and focusing instead on how to pitch in an authentic, helpful way. Take a few moments to look over what 5 CEOs are saying works best for them when it comes to connecting one on one with their ideal client and presenting what they have to offer.

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Manage Distractions in Your Business with Kristen Diaz of Vow + Vast!
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Manage Distractions in Your Business with Kristen Diaz of Vow + Vast!

Today we have Kristen Diaz of Vow + Vast on the show! I met Kristen almost exactly 1 year ago through Amy Braswell of PaperFinch Design and I’m glad I did because not only is she a phenomenal member of Babe Crafted, but she’s also my badass Virtual Assistant. She cares deeply about mental health and self care and helps her clients build sustainable businesses and schedules. Kristen is always making plans for her next trip and you can often find her offering some pets to any dog that crosses her path. Get excited for her mini workshop on how to “Manage Distractions in Your Business” so you can check off your to-do list and smash your goals!

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4 Ways to Establish Your Brand on Instagram
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4 Ways to Establish Your Brand on Instagram

Today we’re getting specific in talking about some real, tangible strategies you can start using immediately to grow your brand online and further establish your presence on Instagram. Take it from some of our members (including me!) on how they’re making the most of Instagram for their business & share your strategies or questions in the comments.

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Meet Kristen Diaz of Vow + Vast!
Founder Feature Babe Crafted Founder Feature Babe Crafted

Meet Kristen Diaz of Vow + Vast!

She’s full to the brim with sass, joy, & positivity. She launched Vow + Vast in August of 2017 and is fast approaching her second anniversary. V+V is a boutique agency of virtual assistants who aspire to help make business life more efficient and productive for Solopreneurs. That’s an admirable goal I think we can all get behind. 

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