13 Tips to Become a Healthier Business Owner

Hey, boss babes! We’re bringing you another batch of helpful small business tips and today’s topic is health & wellness. We’ve been hearing quite bit lately from women we know about their recent commitment to their own personal health & wellness and how important this is for long-term sustainability, not just for them as human beings, but as small business owners, too. Having a healthy business is a top priority, but you can’t have it without healthy leadership, aka YOU!, at the helm as well. So, we asked ladies in several of the Facebook communities we’re a part of how they personally maintain their health & wellness as they build their small business.

We all know that regular exercise, eating well, & taking time off are the right way to be treating our body and mind, but how many of us are actually doing this? What are some tips on how we can better ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally as we build the business of our dreams? Check out these fantastic tips below & remember to love on yourself as much as you love on your business. After all, we only get one body in this crazy, wonderful life of ours, so we’d better make it last. ;) Stay healthy & stay boss. xx


Stay Fit


Caitlyn Connolly | Live.Sweat.Sleep.Repeat

"Plan your workouts weekly. If it doesn't make it in my planner, it doesn't happen."

Tampa, FL


Heather Williams | Financial Advisor

"I prefer to work out in the evenings, because I'm not a morning person! But on a weekly basis, I look at my upcoming work calendar. If I have late meetings or any networking events planned for the week, I make sure to get out of bed and do my workout first thing in the morning on those days. That way I'm taking care of both myself and my business."

Tampa, FL

Jenipher Lyn Gallardo | Jenipher Lyn 

"Walking with owls! Or walking in general. Doggy pets help, too."

Dunedin, FL


Alexa Brown | Piper Marie Events

"As a part-time business owner and a full-time 9-5er, it is super important for me to time block and balance my days. I always plan to exercise at my office's gym on my lunch break. Whether it's a quick treadmill walk or a full hour circuit, it's a requirement for my sanity and well-being to get away from my computer screen and move. This gives me back time in the morning and evening to spend on my business or other activities that contribute to wellness like catching up on my sleep, cooking a nice meal and spending time with my husband.... or a glass of wine!"

Tampa, FL

Jennifer Landry | JCL Jewelry

"Being a mommy to a 2 year old and small business owner makes it tough to keep up with my health and fitness. It’s easy to push a workout to the next day or to eat take out. I totally get it, I’ve been there and still struggle with it sometimes! I know this is cliché but, I have to tell myself this often, “how can you take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself?” Take the time to take care of yourself, after all you deserve it!! A few things that I try to remember is that in order for me to keep up with my toddler, I need to have the stamina to do so, so I carve out time to go to a gym, luckily my local Y has child care. To be on top of things for my business I need to take better care of myself by fueling up with good wholesome food. To be mentally prepared for the day, I need to get adequate rest! All these go hand in hand. Here are a few tips that I try to implement:

  • Drink lots of water

  • Be intentional with your workouts

  • Keep track of your progress (it really does help, I promise)

  • Eat often (3 balanced meals and 3 healthy snacks in between)

  • Take mental breaks throughout the day (mental health is still your health!)

  • Know your limits, ask for help when you need it"

St. Petersburg, FL


Eat Well

Claire Turner Price | CTP Creative

"When I first started freelancing, I noticed my eating habits changed drastically-- and not for the better! I would either snack constantly while working at my desk or I would be so zoned into my work that meals were frequently skipped. I have learned to schedule my day and work flow around taking a break for lunch. If it's nice out, I'll walk to the park with my lunch and take an hour break to read and have my lunch before heading back to the studio."

London, England

Brittney Dowell | Brittney LeighAnn Photography

"I work from home and recently became a mom, so pre-preparing my food (like overnight oatmeal/salads) keeps things routine and provides me with easier access. I set designated times & dates to get outside and visit with friends to keep me mentally sane. I also set specific days with routine tasks (Monday bookkeeping, Tuesday &Wednesday for serious editing, Thursday fobrclient meetings, and Saturday for photo session days.) to eliminate stress and enable me to stay on top of things."

Starkville, MS


Keep Your Mind Sharp

Jen Jacobs | Wandering Whisk Bakeshop

"I love to visit my family and spend the weekend together! We BBQ, swim, go out for ice cream, play cards... it's my favorite way to decompress! Plus, I get back in the kitchen feeling refreshed & energized."

St. Petersburg, FL

Kamina Wust | We Write You

"Shut the laptop! Shut the laptop! I shut the laptop at dinner time every night and I don't answer emails after 6 p.m. or on weekends."

Brisbane, Australia

Laura Fischer | Laura Fischer

"I don't have any push notifications turned on my phone, and same as Kamina-- I never check work email after 6 p.m. or on weekends."

Ottawa, Ontario

Jessica Spivey | Tampa Mom Runs

"Get up early before the day starts. It's good for your mental state and gets you going!"

Tampa, FL


Anna Morawski | White Street Events

"I work from home, so I feel like I'm constantly checking my phone for emails or getting on my laptop to get some work done. I've really started to take time out of each day to put it all away! I then try to focus on something for myself (exercise, reading, or literally just doing nothing lol) anything to put my mind at ease and take the stress away for a bit."

Tampa, FL

Amanda Kammarada | Amanda Kammarada

"As a mom of 2 who runs my business from home and takes care of my kids, I'm so thankful for my wonderful husband. He gives me time alone to re-energize by getting the kids out of the house. That alone time allows me to refocus and just relax. Moms just need alone time sometimes!" 

Tampa, FL



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