Improve Your Social Media Presence in 3 Easy Steps
Building community on social media boosts your brand & audience.
Top knot? Check. Caffeine? Check. The will to succeed & be the best babe possible? CHECK. Let’s talk about social media. We might all be at different levels varying from beginners to expert, but one thing we all have in common is that there’s always room for improvement. The element of social media we want to highlight today is community. Social media’s not very social if you’re not talking to anybody, right? So let’s make sure we’re building our community as deliberately as we do with our content calendar!
Here are our tips on how to improve your social media presence by building community in 3 easy steps.
Step 1. Talk the Talk. Find conversations that are already taking place and jump in. Hashtags are your best friend on Twitter & Instagram! It’s National Watermelon Day, you say? Well, that’s great, because you can find a way tie it into your own brand or make it personal. You can also respond to other folks' posts relevant to you who have already used that tag. Stay up to date on the daily with what others are talking about. Not all of it will be relevant to you, but a good portion of it will be something you can use to get in on the conversation. You don’t always have to reinvent the wheel and come up with content from scratch— get out there & jump in!
Step 2. R-E-S-P-O-N-D. Find Out What it Means to Me. It’s an absolute privilege to have people looking at your work and content. If someone comments that they enjoyed it, you should definitely respond and thank them. No matter the size of your audience, most of them pop in to check things out, but don’t stop to say hello. The people that stop to engage and get in touch are kind souls & it never gets old hearing that someone likes what you’re doing. Respond to comments and messages (as long as it’s not spam). Thank those who share your posts. Let your readers & customers know you’re listening and appreciate them by being responsive and present with them. It doesn’t mean you have to respond in real-time and it doesn’t mean you’re a bad business owner if you don’t get to every comment—- but we all know some is better than none. Do what you can!
Step 3. Share the Love. We spend a a ton of time & energy making sure our feeds stay fresh and beautiful, and so do our fellow business owners and our customers! We should spend a portion of our time online sharing the love on others’ feeds and content. “Likes” are old news, so you should be liking AND commenting on your customer's posts on Instagram. Share a friend-in-business' content on Facebook. Be sure to tag them & invite your audience to check out something you thought was pretty or helpful or interesting. You’ll make someone’s day and come off as a great member of the creative community (which you are, obviously!) and people will be more likely to love on your content as well. We have to build one another up to truly stand tall.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on building a positive online community while we build our audience. Feel free to share in the comments below. We hope you have a day as awesome as you are. Stay boss. xx