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The Babe Crafted Blog
Ready to be inspired by fellow women entrepreneurs? How about actionable tips and strategies to build a thriving business? We got you, babe!
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Here's How 8 Entrepreneurs are Prepping for Retirement
Business owners are visionaries! You’ve taken an idea and turned it into something tangible that sustains your beautiful life. Here’s the thing– I want your vision for yourself to expand even more so present and future you are taken care of. This month’s blog is all about how real business owners are prepping for a secure & happy future by setting up financial freedom & retirement strategies TODAY. Hear from 8 amazing women on how they’re actively working towards a secure financial future.

8 Entrepreneurs Share How to Recession-proof Your Business
A strong business isn’t just strong when business is good— it can also withstand the heat when things go south. Some of us have been in business long enough to have weathered the recession of 2008. Some of us are fighting our way through COVID as our first uncertain period. Let me introduce you to women who are sharing a bit of their story and some tips on how to prepare your business for choppy waves.

10 Tips on How to Become Your Own Boss
Let’s talk about the transition we all make when we go from one status to ultimate babe status where we have control of our schedule & goals. We asked 10 amazing women about their transition story & are so excited to share them with you. There’s never any need to feel “behind”, because there’s a babe out there with a story similar to yours to encourage you to press forward.

7 Things to Know Before You Launch Your Business
Howdy, babes! We’re excited to bring you another awesome small business tips post. We have 7 stories for you on what small business owners wish they had known before they started their business. The checklist for things to get squared away before you launch can be quite long, especially if you're the kind of Babe who like to cross all her t's and have her i's polka-dotted.

7 Reasons It's Okay to Change Your Goals
Hello, babes! I hope your week is off to a fabulous start. We are talking more about goals this week. Some of us are still working out the details on what we want to accomplish this year (which is fine because there’s no time limit!) and some of us are continuing to refine & adjust what we want to accomplish after having outlined some specific goals in a previous month. No matter where you’re at, hearing these 7 stories is going to be helpful and all the more empowering to help you reach each mountain peak you’re after. It’s okay to craft goals at your own pace. It’s okay to change your goals if what you want has changed or it’s not working. Stay flexible xx

9 Stories About Finding Your Ideal Client
Hellooooo babes! I’m so excited to share today’s Top Knot Tuesday post. Put that hair in a top knot, fill up your mug, & let’s get to these small business tips and stories about dun dun dun…. the ideal client. What is an ‘ideal client’ you might ask? It’s someone who wants what you’re offering, is willing to pay you for your services or products, and who digs you & your brand. Your ideal clients or customers are out there & they want to hear from you. It’s all about being honest & consistent in your messaging about what you do— and your tribe will find you. And they will be so glad they did. We have 8 stories from totally awesome babes from all over Tampa Bay & the country.

4 Entrepreneurs Share their Biggest Goal for 2019
Setting goals that will help you move into the next level of your business is a fun & exciting part about being an entrepreneur. That ability to be in control of how much you earn, who you work with, and what project you decide to take on is such a gift. We asked 4 women what their biggest goal for 2019 is and here’s what they had to say.

How 7 Women are Making Self Care a Priority
While all our relationship might look different, there’s one we all have in common— a relationship with ourselves. Here’s how 7 women are making themselves a priority this year to get you inspired to make some self care moves for yourself in 2019.

9 Ways to Make Your Business More Sustainable
Hiya, Babes! How’s your week going? Fantastically, I hope. Let’s talk about ‘sustainability’. Our businesses need resources to operate, and since we all work in different industries, those resources can look very different.

Meet Brooke Eversoll of Bee Studios!
I’m so excited to bring you words & stories from Brooke Eversoll of Bee Studios, Inc. Brooke is a Master Kitchen and Bath Designer with the National Kitchen and Bath Association. She lives in a bungalow in St. Pete with her husband and sweet chocolate lab & she just recently celebrated 3 years as a small business owner. Her decision to start her own business was something she felt she absolutely had to do & I admire how she listened to that voice so much.