Meet Jessica Sheehy of Social Savvy!


Hey girl hey! Ready to dive into the inspiring story of a SHE-E-O?! Meet Jessica Sheehy, the Owner + Founder of Social Savvy, a boutique social media marketing company that helps service-based businesses build a social media presence that thrives and converts. She also created a content club and membership for brands looking for hybrid solution of guided support and DIY called The Social Savvy Membership.

Jessica lives in Tampa area with her husband and mini-goldendoodle, Winston. When she’s not working with her 5 women team on helping clients build an Instagram presence that converts + thrives, you can find Jessica in her backyard working on her vegetable garden or at a local restaurant enjoying allllll the tacos. Enjoy getting to know Jessica!


Tell us about yourself and what you do!

I am the owner + founder of Social Savvy, a boutique social media marketing company specializing in helping service-based entrepreneurs grow on social media through content that converts and proven organic strategies.

How did your business begin?

I started as a freelancer side-hustling while working a corporate marketing job in NYC. I thought this was my "dream job" until one day I woke up to emails from my boss that he had no more money and the company went under in just a few weeks. I decided this was the push I needed into launching my business full-time in the end of 2018!

What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?

I would say building our team! It took a lot of trial and error, and big expensive lessons, but the team we have at Social Savvy right now is amazing and all the challenges were lessons.

What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?

Booking my services out with referral marketing! Referrals are the number one way my business has grown, and I love all of the amazing connections I have made over the years.

What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?

Consistency is KEY! I always share this with business owners when it comes to their social media marketing, but the same can be said about business. You will never start out as a pro, you will always be a beginner, but consistently doing something will make you better!

What's a pivot you've made in your business?
Last year we made a slight pivot, more of a new addition in the business, to teaching women how to start and scale their own social media manager... we call this the Social Savvy Collective!

When are you at your happiest?
When I'm in my flow, creating content for our clients. I will always be client-facing even as we grow because the biggest compliment I have ever received in this business is that I am great at capturing my client's voice and vibe!

What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?
"Look at how far you've come!" When things are difficult, I always circle back to gratitude, because when I first started this business I was at a very low point in my life. Even as we grow, and hit goals, I have to remind myself to be grateful for this life that I have created.

What’s 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?

Set better boundaries! As a social media manager, I am always "online" and it's hard to set boundaries for myself with clients, our team, and work!

What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?
Launch a podcast! I love teaching, connecting and speaking - this will be happening in Q4... mark my word!

What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?

I map out my entire week: to do lists, calendar, and goals with a big brain dump of everything that is inside my head.

Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?

I am probably out getting tacos and margs with my husband!

Finish These Sentences:

My go to karaoke song is... You won't ever catch me doing karaoke, but you can count on me to be the hype woman for everyone who is brave enough to karaoke!

My signature drink is… Iced oat milk latte.

My favorite quote is..."The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do." –Steve Jobs

Disclaimer: Jessica is a member of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).


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