Meet Ellie Vates of The Heart Temple!
Fill up your mug & settle in, babe! Get ready to meet the wonderful Ellie Vates of The Heart Temple. Ellie is a Love Embodiment Coach, Ordained Minister and Holistic Bodyworker for people who feel fed up and frustrated with the sh*t that’s not working and want lasting transformation.
She empowers people with skills to attend to their own mental, physical, emotional wellbeing so they can live a well-balanced life. This all supports each individual’s unique needs for health and vitality, creating a greater capacity for self-love and acceptance while building intimacy with self and relationships.
Have fun getting to know Ellie through her words & stories!
Tell us about yourself and what you do!
I am a playfully deep, spiritually embodied weirdo! Everything I do is to foster freedom for myself and others, which starts within the human body! I offer holistic and tantric bodywork for women, couples and non-binary folks, advanced self care workshops, and one on one and group coaching programs in order to de-armor the heart and ignite the latent creativity, power and freedom that lies dormant within the body. I love bridging the gap of the Earth Body and the infinite possibilities of the Divine Creation to live an empowered life, moving from that centered and ever changing place of truth and creation. Nurturing "The Heart Temple" for individuals and community.
How did your business begin?
After divorce from a codependent marriage, almost 7 years ago now, I dove deep into my own self healing and spiritual embodiment practices. It first began with my Reiki attunement, I then moved into receiving my License as a Massage Therapist and have been practicing and expanding my studies in energy and bodywork for the last 6 years. After supporting people heal and feel themselves well again, I realized there is so much more than receiving hands on touch that supports one to feel a sense of balanced well being and vitality. I now include one on one and group coaching into my practice to empower women with skills and thrills that foster freedom and pleasure within the body and relationships.
What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?
I was in 3 major vehicle accidents within one year. I had to surrender to receive deeply from my community, which helped me acknowledge the power of the meaningful relationships I created and a deep sense of gratitude for the investment I have in creating the life I want and need.
What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?
One huge success I’ve had is deciding to be an entrepreneur and leave my contracting position. It was scary to leave steady income to be on my own. However, the income that I made from fewer clients that were truly invested in me, balanced the quantity of clients I was seeing with someone else's business. The biggest piece of this continued success, is having blind faith and trust in my soul's urge to experience something different. Trusting every thing that falls away, whether it be volunteerily or not is FOR ME! Seeing each of these moments as an opportunity, which allows me an unplanned hour of self care or for another client tp schedule an appointment for their immediate needs.
What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?
Answer the question: What does my soul yearn to feel, experience and share with the world? You may not always be able to trust your mind, because that functions on what has worked in the past, which may not be true for the future. But your soul sees a bigger picture, and having a little courage (not neccesarily fearlessness) to listen, will urge you to move in the path that aligned with your authentic and ever changing self expression.
What's a pivot you've made in your business?
From Doing to Being.... There was a time I was "doing" everything I thought I "should" be doing in order to make my business successful. As I allow myself to soften, I notice a more subtle energy of the next best move to support the goals I have. This means goals for how I want to feel now and later! (Like the candy ;P) It’s not always the fast way, but it supports me to feel a healthy and joy-filled work/life balance that I didn’t have before. Now there is little separation between work and play, as my work gets to be my play!
When are you at your happiest?
When I’m and getting weird, making animal sounds, wigglin', movin' and groovin' with my fellow weirdos. ;P And/or cooking and sharing food with my community.
What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?
I get out of my head and into my body. I’ll do an emotional release exercise (like "hand screaming"), take some deep breathes and ask myself, "What do I need?", "Where can I ask for support?", "What and I doing too much of?", "Where can I be more tender to myself?"
Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?
Meet my Sacred Life Partner. <3
What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?
Launching the "Be The Queen of Your Dream Life" group coaching program.
What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?
Well, I’ve created my schedule a little different from the 9-5 m-f, so my scheduled work day doesnt start until 2:30pm. However, I like to start my mornings with ritual. This sets my mind, body, spirit for fulfillment, whether I accomplish my goals for the day or not.
I usually start with some stretches in bed with making weird sounds. Then I’ll journal any dreams I remember and reflect on any messages for me. Then I sip some citrus water with Green Vibrance and make my favorite mushroom cacao beverage with bone broth stevia, coconut manna and sip that while reading or journaling on my front porch swing or back patio faerie garden.
Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?
Here and Now. ;P Typically I’ll be found at my home "The Rose Grove" where my sisterhood and I host kirtan every third Thrusday of the month, or out and about downtown at a yummy restaurant or live music venue.
Finish These Sentences:
My go to karaoke song is... **facepalm** All I can say about karaoke is that I won second place at a karaoke contest in middle school for singing "Barbie Girl" and haven't done karaoke since. lol
My signature drink is… Well, I’d say the bevy listed in my morning ritual, but if we are talking cocktails, I like to get fancy! Iced Cafe Ole: espresso, panama pacific 9yr rum, licor 43, allspice syrup, cream, nutmeg & cinnamon.
My favorite quote is... “Illuminate Your Heart's Delight, the Dark, the Light with Clear Insight.”
Disclaimer: Ellie is a member of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).