4 Expert Approved Ways to Build Income Streams

Photo by ColorJoy Stock

If there’s one cliche that’s at the top of business owner’s minds, its “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” COVID has definitely shown us how important it is to have multiple streams of income in case one (or more!) are effected. Some avenues to consider:

  • Host a paid workshop

  • Create a digital product

  • Launch a courses

  • Start a membership

There are so many! You just gotta talk to other business owners, do some research, and think about what will work best for your business. 

Take a peek at what 4 CEOs had to say when I asked them about their income streams. xo -Gina

P.S. What income streams do you currently have? Is there anything else you’ve considered but aren’t sure about? Let’s chat in the comments. 

Djeneé Dunn | Prymel Elements and D.TAMU // IG

"Making the decision to have multiple streams of income for myself wasn't hard. I don't want to do just one thing for the rest of my life, so creating various ways and opportunities for me to not only do things I enjoy but that also gives me a way to seamlessly move away from one thing and right into another without taking a major dip in income is right on par with retiring and leaving behind a legacy for my future children while leaving my mark in this world.

Currently, I'm working on monetizing my personal brand, making investments with my Financial Advisor, working with a business planner on ways I will diversify my portfolio, and working on getting some other product and service-based companies off the ground within the next few years. I'm also in the process of creating a holdings company to operate as an umbrella for all my ventures!"

Tampa, FL

Mary Williams | Mary Williams FIA // IG

“I offer 1:1 Executive Coaching, Virtual Presentations to Corporations, Associations and groups, Consultations on First Impressions, Virtual Courses to Universities and Colleges and I offer a digital course on Teachable. My services have expanded and grown over the last three years, both organically and strategically.

My mission is simple and straight forward. To offer information, training, coaching which raises awareness and improves lives and careers through the enhanced understanding of the power of first impressions coupled with the importance of people and social skills. I am currently producing an eBook, which will create an additional income stream. I am adding the eBook because I have written so much content and done dozens and dozens of consultations over the years on first impressions, why not turn it into an eBook too? I am finally understanding that the same content can have impact and value in multiple ways while also providing additional potential for new income.

And to quote Seth Godin, shipping content leads to success. My additional goal for 2021 is to launch a podcast with a partner (also a BC member), which hopefully will be of great value and service to listeners and become massively successful and produce new income too! It’s important to keep trying and dream big.”

St Petersburg, FL

Jennifer Neville | Live Zen With Jen // IG

“I currently have multiple avenues of income with my brand, whether it's selling weekly horoscopes, 1:1 Coaching, E-Books, Or Digital Course. Building an engaged platform is key, vs. focusing on growth. The more people who are interested and gain value from your content are going to be more likely to buy from any "passive" programs you release!”

Tampa, Florida

Amber Romero | A Creative Co // IG

“I have ALWAYS been a service-based business owner. And at a certain point last year, I realized that there was a ton of growth potential beyond hiring more team members to grow my client list... I found passive income through digital products. I decided to launch a membership over a course or other stand-alone product, and I recommend doing so for other entrepreneurs just diving into the digital product game. Two main "PROS" for creating a membership: (1) monthly passive income generated by the recurring membership fee (2) you don't need a fully built out product YET, you can add in modules as the membership grows.”

Riverview, Florida


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