4 Entrepreneurs Share The Business Book Leading Them from Pages to Profits
Ever wondered how a good business book can be a game-changer? Well, you're in for a treat! Today, we're about to venture into the world of business literature, and we've got not one, not two, but four fantastic entrepreneurs eager to share their insights on the books that transformed their business ventures from mere ideas to thriving profits.
So, grab your favorite reading nook, a hot cup of coffee or tea, and get ready to explore the minds of these entrepreneurial wizards who've harnessed the power of words on paper to create real-world success. Whether you're a seasoned business pro or just getting started, there's something here for everyone.
Brittany Ranew | Realtor & Author // IG
The book that has made the most impact in my life would be "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. This book provides the perfect framework to start your day in the right mindset so that you can tackle anything that comes your way! Having miracle mornings leads to having miracle weeks, miracle months and miracle years! Consistency in this area of my life has caused my personal and business life to flourish in ways I could not have imagined.
St. Pete, FL
Desiree Hayes | Desiree Hayes Photography // IG
There are two books that I believe have been extremely helpful in building a strong foundation for my business. The first book is "Profit First" by Mike Michalowicz; it helped me as a business owner to manage my finances and implement a system that helps increase profitability, setup budget goals, and make informed decisions. The second book is "Building a StoryBrand" by Donald Miller and it has become my marketing BFF. This book has helped me create a compelling brand narrative in order to clarify my brand's message and engage with my dream clients. It has provided me with so many practical tips on building my website and position myself strategically. The funny part is that I was never a reader, it actually dreaded it, but once I understood that as the CEO of my business it is important to never stop learning and growing, I cannot stop reading and looking for ways to become knowledgeable.
Kissimmee, FL
Heather S. Saunders | Ameriprise Financial
I loved reading and implementing the systems from "The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals." It was an engaging read about accurately identifying the leading (not lagging) measures that need to be achieved to get you to those goals, and setting up systems to measure and keep accountable to those goals. I think this works for solo entrepreneurs as well as teams and I have found it to be an indispensable part of our financial advising practice.
(Honorable mention: the chapter "Why Not Me" from Mindy Kaling's book, also titled "Why Not Me," gave me fantastic perspective about confidence and hard work. It's like a hype track for me every time I re-read or listen to it).
Tampa, FL
Lia Menna Gross | LMG Creative // IG
If there's anything I love it's being curled up with a good book!
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz is one of those. It was recommended to me by another BC member when I was beginning my business. I love the book's simplicity and spiritual wisdom. A must read for anyone wishing to bring conscious values into their business!
Safety Harbor, FL
Disclaimer: The business owners featured in this blog are members of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).