Meet Jessy Furniel of Adélie!
Hey girl hey! I’m so excited to share a new feature interview with you. Today you get to meet Jessy Furniel of Adélie!
On the surface, Adélie is a skincare brand. But beneath the surface, Adélie is Jessy’s love letter to her 2 daughters and to all the women over 35 who deserve to feel comfortable in their own skin. Jessy is currently celebrating her 1 year anniversary as well as being a 2020 winner of the “Beauty Shortlist Awards” for her products.
We can all celebrate together by taking a peek at her video interview & feature below.
Enjoy her words! xx -Gina
Take a peek into Jessy’s daily life!
Tell us about yourself and what you do!
I’m the Founder & Formulator at Adélie. A Latina owned, Int’l Award Winning Opulent Organic Skincare line empowering women to age with confidence.
How did your business begin?
By the will to revolutionize the conversation around women’s beauty after the age of 35! It all began when I was studying my Diploma in Organic Skincare Formulator diploma at Formula Botanica. While researching the market, ingredients and formulating new products, I was driving my husband crazy with a vision of the many desires as a consumer, formulator and most of all all the best to empower her to feel confident again after her 30s! So, one day he said “ok, stop it. Let’s make it happen, what do you need?” and the rest is what has shaped over three years to where we are today. A complete movement to empower women to challenge ageism by confidently embracing their evolving skin.
What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?
Self-Doubt. Although I’m confident of what I’ve created, the uncertainty of how it will shape its own path is not for the faint of heart. I’ve set myself to lead a revolution against ageism far beyond just breaking barriers, stigmas and taboos as a new ultra-luxury grassroots brand and a Latina and a Military Spouse. It is hard enough to get of the ground, but while stirring all up within an industry with a sea of look alike brands is a whole different game. Now I’m leading a movement that is making history!
What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?
I’m blessed to say many: multiple sold out of products in less than 1year of officially open, winning an International Beauty Award, winning The Women’s Pitch Competition seed grant, I just feel every new order/testimonial or new business connection are all wins. Because everything behind each step of the journey matters!
What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?
Honestly, just start. There isn’t worse investment than a lifetime of regrets for NOT taking that first step. Heck, I’ve been taking each step forward confident the next one will pave its own path and yes, I’m cautious because entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster of emotions, but trust your gut because it does know far more than your mind!
What's a pivot you've made in your business?
I need to delegate admin and marketing tasks. I’m at a point where in order to best serve and give my best, I need to outsource where my non-talents or tasks I simply do not enjoy are obvious.
When are you at your happiest?
Formulating, may that be creating a new plant-based skincare product or inventing a new plant-based food recipe. discovering new plant-based ingredients. Being at the beach and cuddling in bed with my family.
What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?
Remember this not about you, it’s about being the example to my daughters that they can also be confident to shape their dreams from vision into reality without ever compromising their own values. Do your best, all else will come in perfect timing.
Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?
To expand. Is time to start spreading Adélie’s wings with new press, events and retailer partnerships to further ease our clients reach!
What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?
Improve my own self-wellness: health, boundaries and family time.
What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?
Check my calendar and book by the hour my personal and work priorities to fulfill. I then set my weekly goals per each day of the week. Book all that needs to happen: kiddos activities, hubby’s appts, my meetings and once is all booked then it can all harmoniously coexist.
Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?
I’ll be in pajamas in bed checking up on Instagram or watching a movie with my husband and kiddos in bed.
My favorite cocktail is... Mojito.
My favorite quote is... “Everything happens for a good reason.”