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Babe Talk: "How To Turn Likes To Leads" feat. Jessica Sheehy

Welcome to our Babe Talks! We bring in a featured expert and have the chance to learn from her. Past topics we've covered included: Pinterest for Biz Owners, Inclusivity in your Branding, Secrets to Website Success, and more!

Our September Babe Talk features Guest Speaker, is Jessica Sheehyl. Jessica is the Founder + CEO of Social Savvy, a social media marketing & education company specializing in helping small businesses grow on social media through content that converts and proven organic strategies.

This is a virtual, community event and includes Q&A so you can get the details & answers you need to become an even better business owner.

This monthly event series is open to any business owners or aspiring business owners. A video replay is included with your free admission!

September 5

Makeover Your Mindset Workshop

September 26

Office Hours