Meet Mary Williams of Mary Williams FIA

Hip hip hooray! I’m so pumped to introduce you to Mary, Executive Coach and Founder of Mary Williams FIA! After 30 years in the corporate world, Mary decided to forge her own path and launched her dynamic coaching business in 2018. She is a speaker and business expert who creates memorable coaching & workshops to teach her clients how to use their social skills and emotional intelligence to meet their goals. Enjoy getting to know Mary through her stories & encouraging words. xx -Gina

Tell us about yourself and what you do!

As an entrepreneur, speaker, executive coach and founder of Mary Williams Your First Impression Authority, I am an enthusiastic advocate for utilizing the power of first impressions and the best people and social skills to help anyone reach their full potential. While technical skills and knowledge are important, it is truly the people and social skills that help us achieve our biggest goals. I have made it my mission to bring a different kind of coaching and training to help my clients and students strategically and successfully execute on all of their ambitions. 

How did your business begin?

After a three decades corporate career, I discovered my passion was coaching college/university students, young professionals and new managers to help them hone their skills, stand out, and achieve their career goals. On a leap of faith, I left my role as Chief of Staff with a multi-billion dollar company and founded Mary Williams Your First Impression Authority.  It was definitely a jump and the parachute will open kind of move. And even with the challenges of 2020, and my business getting crushed, I still believe in the work, and look forward to the future. 

What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?

There have been back to back challenges in 2020. I had finally reached that place where I was booking speaking engagements at conferences around the country to sizable groups. In fact, I was overbooked in March. And then overnight, with the pandemic, all of my bookings were cancelled. I pivoted, and started working on digitalizing my business so that I could offer my workshops and training online, and just as I was about to launch my first webinar and was booked for four more in the upcoming weeks, my Mom unexpectedly suffered a massive heart attack and I had to fly immediately to be at her bedside. I am now back in Florida and we are scheduled to launch our first online course with a live webinar on November 18th!  You have to just get through it, and keep trying.  Keep going. Open and honest, I have found this second pivot (with my Mom) much harder than the first with the pandemic.  It's been more challenging to get back to the momentum we had in September, but I am determined to do it!

What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?

(Once the course is launched, I may change my answer!)  Honestly, to be called by companies who find me on LinkedIn and ask for my help or to participate in their annual conference is extremely rewarding and meaningful. But when you help someone one on one, to gain the confidence or get unstuck, or build a plan to help them earn the promotion they are desperately hoping for and they achieve it, it's really the best feeling. Especially if it's a woman!  I love helping women, and have a personal passion for helping anyone who I can, succeed. Whatever that looks like for them.  

What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?

It takes longer than you think.  It takes more money than you think. It takes every ounce of perseverance, tenacity and strength you can muster, and you must never, ever hesitate to ask for help. 

What's a pivot you've made in your business?

From in-person coaching, presentations and speaking engagements to virtual coaching, webinars, and training. 

When are you at your happiest?

When I am "in flow" and hitting on all cylinders tied with spending time with other female entrepreneurs supporting each other to learn and grow. 

What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?

Never, ever give up. This too shall pass. Call a friend. At 5PM, you can pour yourself a big glass of Cabernet. 

Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?

Get healthier. Drink more water. Exercise more. Optimize my health. 

What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?

Get my fricking content digitalized and online!!!

What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?

I start every day the same. I awaken at 5AM.  I journal, write my daily plan for what I will do that day, learn something (generally a podcast). I drink a pot of coffee and get started on MWFIA.  

Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?

With my husband eating good food and drinking wine.  Catching up on our week, as he works out of town. 

Finish this sentences:

My go to karaoke song is...

“I Will Survive” - Gloria Gaynor 1981.

My favorite cocktail is...

Dewars and water. 

My favorite quote is...

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead


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