Meet Danielle Bayard Jackson of Stride Media Group!

Hiya! I’m so happy to introduce you to Danielle Bayard Jackson! She’s mom to a baby boy named Elijah, Co-Founder of Stride Media Group, and the honest & kind voice behind the Instagram, @girlgiveitarest. 

Danielle and her Co-Founder Josh Talkington launched Stride, a boutique media relations agency, in August of 2018. The goal of Stride is to get minority and woman-owned businesses “the shine they deserve” in the world of print, web, & TV media. How fantastic is that? 

I know you’re going to love hearing her story about how she went from an English teacher to a PR pro and how she overcomes obstacles. Dive in & enjoy her words! xx -Gina

Take a peek into Danielle’s daily life! | Video

Tell us about yourself and what you do!

I am the co-founder of STRIDE Media Group, a public relations and video production agency. Our mission is to get female entrepreneurs and minority-owned businesses the shine they deserve! 

I am determined to diversify the media landscape, so I help underrepresented groups increase their visibility by getting them featured in digital and traditional media outlets. My company also works with businesses to tell their story with beautiful, high-quality video. Anything I can do to make sure that women and minorities are being seen and heard is what I am after.

How did your business begin?

I was a high school English teacher before I transitioned into Public Relations. I miss my students every day, but I brought some really great experiences with me from the classroom. I love helping others craft and tell their stories, so I've channeled that passion as PR strategist for a tech marketing company and a national nonprofit. But I got tired of asking for permission– permission to move forward, to try new things, to bring my full self to work, to develop out-of-the-box campaigns. That's when I knew I had to do my own thing. But I never acted on it until I had my son and learned my job was about to outsource our PR department. So with my three-week-old as my motivation, I decided to really go for it, and mustered the courage to venture out on my own.  

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

What's 1 challenge you've faced and how has it effected your business? What did you do to overcome it?

When I began STRIDE, I was so eager for clients that I wasn't very discerning about the portfolio I was building. But the relationships we build we our clients are so important, and now I make sure that our missions align before we partner, because that way we all win and the outcomes are rewarding for everyone.

What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?

I feel most proud when a client gets a placement and calls or emails to tell us how their getting phone calls inquiries, brand recognition... seeing their excitement makes reminds me that all the hustle is worth it and that this really is impacting both their businesses and the communities they serve.

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?

Your efforts, your confidence can't be exclusive to winning. You are going to have a lot of ups and downs, wins and losses as a business owner. It's tempting to feel discouraged when a placement doesn't land or a client throws us a curve ball, but once I realized that it's all a part of the game, I can keep my head high and my hustle strong because I know it's all just a part of the game. You can't fall apart or be riddled with doubt every time something goes wrong. Use your losses as ask "How can I do this differently next time?”

What's a pivot you've made in your business?

We were determined to only offer PR services and media relations services when we got started. But we had so many business owners asking to "pick our brains" that we realized we needed to add an education component to our business. Every since we started adding "Stride Sessions" and workshops and booklets, things have taken off. Sometimes you think you know what others need, but the trick is to listen and offer what the people want.

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

When are you at your happiest?

When I turn my phone off in the evenings to laugh with my husband and my son on the couch... when I am present, I have joy.

What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?

When I feel overwhelmed, I ask, "Lord, what are you trying to teach me?" Sometimes I think, "Man, this is going to be such a good chapter in my next book."

Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?

To go on more dates with my husband.

What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?

To roll out a really awesome new service at the end of the year, but I can't reveal what it is yet!

Photo by Christina Jones Photography

What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?

I do what I do every morning: Have Cuban toast and coffee, catch up on the latest news, and listen to a podcast. I don't treat Mondays any differently than other days.

Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?

Friday nights used to be for happy hours and music shows in Ybor-- now I spend them snuggling my son and in bed by 9:30pm. I'm determined to get back to my "wild child" though.

Finish these sentences: 

My go to karaoke song is… "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley 

My favorite cocktail is… A cold beer!

My favorite quote is… "Don't make me clutch my pearls." –My mom


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