Meet Christina Maldonado of Boudoir Tampa!
Christina Maldonado of Boudoir Tampa can often be found in bright red lipstick and is really good at making whoever she talking to feel like the most special person in the room. Her joy is real— real contagious! She’s a photographer based in Tampa Bay who loves making her clients feel totally at home in her studio. She’s also very open about living with an autoimmune disease, but hasn’t let it keep her from being the woman, mom, and business owner she strives to be.
Christina comes from a family of entrepreneurs, including her father, grandfather, and great grandfather. She’s been a photographer for a decade and most recently launched Boudoir Tampa, a new photography & self love brand where she helps women feel amazing in their own skin, no matter where they currently are in their personal journey. Her biggest challenge has been getting enough rest and practicing being a healthy person as much as being a healthy business owner. But as you can already tell, she’s always been up for a challenge.
I know you’re going to love her stories & humor! Enjoy her words & stay boss. xx -Gina
Take a peek into Christina’s daily life! | Video interview
Tell us about yourself and what you do!
My name is Christina Maldonado and I am an intimate portrait photographer. I specialize in capturing boudoir and glamour imagery for all individuals and couples. I want to help tell your unique story, and in the process help you radiate confidence and self love. I create empowering, soul catching, intimate photography sessions to help you break through whatever is holding you back from claiming who you truly are.
How did your business begin?
I have been a wedding a portrait photographer for almost a decade. I would do intimate portraits several times a year and loved them. I have always been pro body positive and through my experiences growing up I never saw anyone who looked like me. I thought because of that, that something was wrong with me. I wanted to showcase all types of individuals in an empowering way and to push back on the unrealistic expectations put on us by society (especially women.)
What's 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business? How do you feel when you look back on it?
My biggest success has been creating my life the way I have always wanted it. I work specific hours, I am my own boss, I pick and choose who I would like to collab with...and when I need a free day to be creative or spend time with family. I am also in charge of my income, so If I need to make more, I can and I don't have to rely on another company or person to do that!
What's the best piece of advice you could give someone looking to start a business?
I would suggest to really know your numbers. What is your cost of business, what is your cost of goods, how much time are you spending on what you do. You need to know those inside and out so you can appropriately charge and be sustainable and successful. I feel like a lot of companies do not know their numbers and it affects their longevity.
What's a pivot you've made in your business?
Well I used to shoot weddings full time and now I shoot boudoir full time. I still take weddings, but most of my time is spent in studio with my portrait clients.
When are you at your happiest?
I am at my happiest on the beach or by the pool with my family and the sun is shining.
What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?
Just keep swimming!
Whats 1 personal goal you've set for yourself this year?
I would like to get back a little more balance between my personal and business life, it's always a challenge and ever changing.
What's 1 business goal you've set for yourself to accomplish this year?
To really establish Boudoir Tampa and get my name out there since this brand is pretty new.
What's the first thing you do on a Monday morning and why?
Take my daughter to school, then usually snuggle with my husband because it's our day off together!
Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Friday night?
Friday night is usually movie night with my daughter at home because daddy works late that night.
Finish these sentences:
My go to karaoke song is… I've actually never sung bucket list? I would probably go with anything Lady Gaga though!
My favorite cocktail is… anything with Tequila!
My favorite quote is… 'You become. It takes a long time. That's why it doesn't happen often to people who break easily, or have sharp edges, or who have to be carefully kept. Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are Real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.”