Meet Caitlin Alessandro of Doyle Paper Co.!
It’s such a fab day because I get to introduce you to a woman entrepreneur I know you’re going to love! Caitlin Alessandro of Doyle Paper Co.. launched her custom paper goods, stationery, & invitation company in May of 2017.
Her business started as a side hustle. She was creating beautiful invitations for friends & family as a way to use her creativity, but also bring something really special to their celebrations. After gaining traction and realizing she could really make her business work, she decided to give things a go. Today, she’s a new mom to a baby girl, has plans to bring printing in house after investing in a Heidelberg Platen Press, & shares an office with a fellow wedding industry pro and mobile pop up bar, Hub Tap.
Enjoy her words & stay boss. xx -Gina
Take a peek into Caitlin’s daily life! | Video interview
Tell us about yourself and what you do!
I own Doyle Paper Co., which specializes in one-of-a-kind custom wedding invitations, event design and corporate brand identity. I am a designer that is obsessed with good design, paper goods and classic printing techniques. I have a degree in graphic design but spent 10 years on the client services side of the Advertising world. Even though I wasn’t directly using my creative design skills in these roles, I think these experiences not only gave me tough skin but the skills to start and run a business.
I love being able to understand my client’s style and vision with just a few sentences and turn those ideas into reality. After many years honing my client skills I decided it was time to take that scary leap into starting my own business. I never knew my niche would be stationery and paper goods, but I’ve always loved classic printing styles, different textures and the many options that are available when creating a printed piece.
Plus, I have a strong draw to being and entrepreneur and artist as I come from a long line of them. My mom was an interior designer and my dad a photographer (along with owning his own tile business). So, I was always encouraged to look at the world in a creative way, I don’t think I could have escaped that draw if I tried.
How did your business begin?
Since high school I knew I wanted to own a business and tried to find a way and the right time while working a 9-5 throughout the years. I was content in jobs but there was always an underlying call to work for myself and be more creative. I craved using my creative skills every day and felt I was not utilizing those which was almost soul crushing to me!
DPC started as a creative outlet when I begin designing invitations for friends, family and myself and saw that people not only liked what I was creating but were willing to pay for it! And after I had some particularly intense experiences in the corporate world I decided it was now or never to take the risk. I could continue to find new jobs or I could really give this business a shot.
Now, this side job has flourished into a thriving business and I don’t ever want to look back!
Whats 1 challenge you've faced and 1 success you've had since you’ve created your business?
Challenge: Taking the risks needed to grow my business and knowing when is the right time to take those risks. Also, being patient with where things are at in a given time. That it doesn’t matter how fast I go, just so I’m moving forward.
Success: Increased my client base and the expanded the types of projects I’ve worked on. And I recently purchased a Heidelberg Letterpress and I’m moving into my first studio space outside my home.
What's the best piece of advice you’ve ever received and has it come in handy for you?
Lots but some that stick out are:
Keep moving forward. Even after failures, pick yourself up and take the next step.
Nothing is a mistake. It’s a choice you’ve made and you can always pivot and make a different choice if it’s not working out.
Save your money (I need to get better at this!)
Yes, all of that has come in handy because life as a solo entrepreneur is not always easy or steady. You have to play the long game.
When are you at your happiest?
This is broad but this particular season of my life. It’s definitely not always Instagram worthy but I feel like everything is falling into place and I’ve never been so content and happy in life. But specifically, in business, when I’m creating awesome work and my clients are happy. I strive to get those “I’M OBSESSED” texts after every job is delivered.
What do you tell yourself when things get difficult?
That I better keep going because I don’t have another choice. Of course, I have other choices but I try not to give myself one because this is what I’ve always wanted and I’m finally making it happen. So, it’s the only option in my head to make it a success.
What’s 1 personal goal and 1 business goal you plan to accomplish this year?
I’ve just purchased my first letterpress & foil printing machine to take printing in-house and grow my business. So, I want to successfully bring printing in-house and produce quality work for all of my clients. Personal goal would be to adjust to life with a newborn come July. I know it will change things and there will be a transition period but I’m excited to continue and grow my business while adjusting to this new little person.
Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Tuesday afternoon?
Most likely sitting at my desk working. It always looks different thought, I may be at the computer designing that day, assembling a new suite, running to the post office or meeting clients to consult about their projects.
Where can we find you + what will you typically be up to on a Friday evening?
Unfortunately (and fortunately) still sitting at my desk working. Then a good movie or a hang out with friends to wine down after a long week.
Where can you be found + what will you typically be up to on a Sunday morning?
It varies, but I usually like to sleep in and make breakfast. Then my husband and I try to get some kind of work out in before getting ready for the week ahead. On really good weekends, the beach or exploring somewhere nearby!
Finish these sentences:
I love: My family, traveling, spending the day on the water.
I'm always looking for: Unique and interesting pieces for our house.
My inspiration is: People who are following their dreams. No matter how impossible it seems.
I'll never: Have a boss again (hopefully).