11 Ways to Unblock Creativity
Hey, girl, hey! Have you ever felt like you’ve totally hit a brick wall and can’t break through to finish the project you’re working on or find the right way to say what you’re trying to communicate? Of course you have! Anybody who has made anything great has experienced that brick wall, blocking you from something fabulous. How do you break through? We asked 11 fantastic business owners, all from different industries, how they break through.
It turns out you can make progress in a way that feels more freeing by allowing the wall to melt away on it’s own, rather than breaking a sweat trying to tear it down. So put down that hammer, because these ladies have some tips to help you overcome this challenge. Enjoy their insight & stay boss. xx -G
Crystina Castiglione | The Messy Painter // IG
“Unblocking creativity is something I’ve studied pretty hard and worked even harder to overcome in the past decade. Being an artist literally relies on the ability to create brand new ideas all the time, whether you're blocked or not. I find that I have to "summon" inspiration rather than wait for it to arrive. Some ways I do this include reading a book, stream-of-consciousness journaling, doing something physical like going for a walk or bike ride, or taking some time to declutter. I'm a HUGE believer in keeping a clean, organized and clutter free workspace. If I haven't used it in the past 6 months to 1 year, I either get rid of it, donate it to an elementary art teacher, local arts non-profit, or a friend who would use it. When I clear my physical space, I find that I also clear my mental space.”
St. Petersburg, FL
Emily Traviesa | Citrus Branding // IG
"When my creative flow is blocked, it's time to dance. I'll turn up Low Cut Connie or Delta Spirit in my office and just let go, not thinking about anything—releasing all the tension in my body and mind. After a few songs, those creative juices are flowing again."
Tampa, FL
Erika Vidal Holmes | Erika Vidal Holmes // IG
“If I'm feeling that "writer's block" feeling, whether for my own copy or a client's, I find that stepping away from my laptop can work wonders. I'll take a walk and put on a podcast or instrumental music, take a bubble bath, or even a quick power nap. Sometimes my brain just needs to NOT think about the thing I'm trying to think about, and the "answer" just appears out of nowhere. If I'm feeling blocked or in a funk in general, it's usually because I've overbooked myself. I just try to adjust where I can, say no to new things, and reset.”
Tampa, FL
Jacqueline Jenkins | First Command // IG
“Start with small actions and go back to the basics. Do something that gets you re-inspired and passionate about your mission. This can be reaching out to your fans/favorite clients, listening to your favorite song or podcast, rereading positive reviews people wrote about your business, or even having a chat with a close friend or fellow Boss Babe.
Then get down to business. Set specific, achievable goals with deadlines. Create a game plan and remain committed to the plan. Success takes time and can be different for everyone, so stay positive and focus on the things you can control. If you stay committed to reaching your goals, your momentum will continue to grow.
Momentum creates motivation. Motivation produces creativity. Creativity grows opportunity. Opportunity generates results and results build confidence that keeps you crushing your goals!”
Tampa, FL
Jessica Fredericks | Jessica Fredericks // IG
“I find I'm usually in a funk when I'm feeling tired or worn out. I've actually been feeling that way the last week or so and I just keep hearing this saying in my head: "when you're tired, learn to rest not to quit." So, instead of throwing in the towel and feeling like I'm bad at everything, I've cleared most of my calendar other than what is necessary or what I know will fuel me and I'm focusing on me and resting (as much as I can with a 3-month-old baby at home). It's not always possible to slow down whether we have deadlines, a demanding job/business or babies at home, but there are little ways we can help ourselves. Right now that means sweat pants, food delivery and a messy house.”
St. Petersburg, FL
Laura Jasen | Sage & Sunshine Therapy // IG
“When my creativity seems stagnant, I give it a break. It’s been my experience that creativity can come and go, so it’s up to me to capitalize when it’s flowing. I have learned that when creating does not come easy, my time is better spent on other tasks. No need to force something that will feel inauthentic.”
Tampa, FL
Liz Anthony | Liz Anthony Nutrition // IG
“I try to dedicate at least one full day a week away from my business to get out of my usual element and recharge. Breaking up the day to day monotony, and relocating myself somewhere fresh and new makes a world of difference for my professional perspective. We are not all wired to operate at full-throttle, 24/7. When I go through a funk, I know it's my body's way of telling me my engine is about to burn up and I need gas now.”
Tampa, FL
Melissa Meredith | Marketing With Mel // IG
“I feel like when you're a creative person or in a creative position it's easy to get in this sort of place. I've found the first thing I have to do is change my environment. Whether it's working in a new coffee shop or taking a trip to a town nearby, changing my environment immediately always helps change my mindset. I've also found that if I'm able to remove myself from my work for a day and focus more on reading inspirational books, working on a drawing or painting, or doing something that challenges me in a way that's outside of my normal routine it can often help me get out of a funk and start creating some cool, new things. If none of that works, I usually try to just spend an hour or two journaling and working on my mindset and clearing my head of any and every thought I'm holding on to.”
Michelle James | Tax Pro of Tampa // FB
“A deadline always puts me back in line… ha. However, to refocus I will normally start cleaning up and I am reminded how much needs to get done and it begins to feel overwhelming, so I start working by making a "to do" list. Something I say to myself is “Change your story, change your game.” I create and will my destiny through intense repetition— where my focus goes, my energy flows. Also, a quote that helps me is "We are what we repeatedly do, Excellence, therefore, is not an act but an habit,” by Aristotle.”
Tampa, FL
Stephanie Newton | Posie’s Flower Truck // IG
“When I'm feeling blocked or completely void of artistic ideas with regard to my Instagram or other creative aspects of my business, I make a point to do something imaginative in a completely unrelated area to get my juices flowing. I might doodle on a sketch pad or pull out my bin of arts and crafts supplies and get to work. This helps prime the pump and gets me back on track to be innovative and clever.”
Tampa, FL
Tona Bell | The Paper Seahorse // IG
“When I need to unblock my creativity, I go outside and be with nature. I sit outside, stare at the sky, the palms and listen to the sounds outside. I will also visit somewhere that inspires me or take a yoga class…. These things usually jump start me and allow things I am already searching for to come to the forefront.”
Tampa, FL