10 Words of The Year to Help You Succeed in 2023
Happy 2023, babe!! Ready to start the New Year off on the right foot? Me, too. That’s why I asked members of our community to share their “Word of The Year.“ There are lots of ways to manifest your dreams, and one of our favorite ways at Babe Crafted HQ is through a themed word to represent our goals. Take inspiration from 10 amazing biz owners like yourself who have declared their words of the year.
From 'power' to 'adventure', you're sure to find a word that speaks directly to your heart's desires. By selecting one single, meaningful word, your focus will sharpen and success becomes more achievable for you in 2023. Also, there are no rules— choose two words if that’s more your style. Focus on two words if you have difficulty settling on just one and make it your mission to bring this word out in all aspects of life.
Make it happen, and declare your own Word of the Year today in the comments!
Sending confetti vibes your way. -Gina
Alexis Quintal | Rosarium PR & Marketing Collective // IG
“My word for 2023 is Grow. I am officially knee-deep into my business as an owner & CEO and I have set up the foundation that I need to be successful. Now I am ready to grow AND see my clients grow in 2023!”
Tampa, FL
Brittany Ranew | Brittany Ranew, Real Estate Advisor // IG
“My word of the year is Brave. My "why" is to impact the world around me and leave a legacy of abundance and positivity. To do that, it's important that I show up as my authentic self. My word of the year helps me remember to be brave and to be me!”
St Pete, FL
Heather Saunders | Ameriprise Financial
“I always struggle with picking a word for the year, but 2023's came to me in a stroke of inspiration: UNSTOPPABLE. Next year is going to be a big one for me, and I am excited but also have moments of anxiety and extreme overwhelm - and that is okay. Big things are scary, but that doesn't mean I don't have everything I need to accomplish everything I set out to do. Cue Sia as my background hype music for 2023, because I am Unstoppable!”
Tampa, FL
Jessica Sheehy | Social Savvy // IG
“In 2023, my word of the year is Innovation. It took me awhile to figure out what my intentions for the new year were going to be, but when I circled back to my mission, my "why", and my vision for my business I knew that innovation was the best word to describe it when I landed on it. In the new year, I'm looking to bring innovation in how we approach social media and content marketing for our clients; and in the way that we support our community that empowers future social media managers.”
Oldsmar, FL
Jillian Abby | Queer Abby // IG
“Accelerate! It's unusual for me to choose this word because I've been in a period of slowing down, resting, and recovering for a while. But the time is right to emerge from my shell and work efficiently and strategically to take my projects to the next level. Put on your helmet, kids. It's time to blast off!”
Tampa, FL
Katie Hardie | Hardie CPA // IG
“Thank you for the reminder to reflect and be intentional! My word would be: Focus. Being more purposeful with my time. This includes limiting distractions so that my attention can be where I need it most for a successful tax season. Part of my focus will be on building and maintaining good systems and habits. That way my business can run more smoothly and efficiently.”
Dunedin, FL
Katrinna Roth | Chewy Creative // IG
“My word for the year is 'EMBRACE' - because I'm entering 2023 through uncharted territory. I'm preparing to be a first-time mom while running my business (now 3 years old!), in the midst of growing my team and client base. I'm learning to embrace the unknown, to embrace that I can only control so much, and to enjoy this new and different stage in life. I look forward to embracing the direction my business is taking in 2023 and how that looks for working with new brands!”
Courtenay, British Columbia
Monique McLeod |The Management Suite // IG
“My word of the year is Celebration! I will be turning 30 this year and I am launching my personal brand. This year is the time to celebrate all the things I did from the last 3 years that got me here! The grind has stolen my joy over the years, but not anymore. I am excited to see how many other celebratory memories I can create in 2023!”
Tampa, FL
Teresa O'Brien | Help(her) LLC // IG
“In 2023 I'm going to dare to dream bigger than I can see. I'm going to make decisions that my future self will thank me for- I am going to believe that in taking these actions, things will continue to grow and I'll be grateful for the faith I had.”
Lakeland, FL
Vana Shipton |Shiptonville Candle Company // IG
“My word is Simplify. I would like to simplify in all aspects of work and personal life. This will hopefully streamline my days and let me breathe a touch.”
St. Petes, FL
Disclaimer: The business owners featured in this blog are members of Babe Crafted (at the time of publishing).